Research Questions
- Which liquid is more dense - honey, water, or oil?
- Does the size of an object determine its density?
- honey
- water
- oil
- 5 small objects of similar size such as a coin, bean, small plastic toy, small cork,
- paperclip, small screw, kernel of cereal, etc.
- clear glass or narrow tube
- paper
- pencil
Experimental Procedure
- Gather the necessary materials.
- Have an adult help pour about 2 inches of water in the glass or tube. Then tilt the glass and slowly pour in about 2 inches of oil, followed by 2 inches of honey. Observe what happens and record.
- Predict which of your objects you think will float and which will sink. Record your predictions.
- Gently drop each object into the glass or tube and observe. Record the results.
- Continue until all of the objects have been tested.
- Analyze your data and draw a conclusion.
“What is Density” at “Density” by Martha Marie Day, Ed.D. and Anthony Carpi, Ph.D. at “Density” at
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